Engineered for its high flash point of 277°C (530°F) with anoperating limit of 338°C (640°F), the Duratherm HF heat transferoil offers a solution to those customers re the additionalmargin of safety needed to meet their own internal safety standardsor those of their insurance carrier or government regulators.DurathermHF导热油专为277°C(530°F)的高闪点设计,工作极限为338°C(640°F),为那些需要额外安全余量以满足自身内部安全标准或保险公司或政府监管机构要求的客户提供了解决方案。
277°C (530°F) flash point
338°C (640°F) maximum operating temperature
Extensive additives for extended service life
Strong resistance to oxidation
Keeps systems running clean and efficiently
Non-toxic and non-hazardous oil – requires no specialhandling