东莞精微创达电子有限公司,专业经营二手仪器的销售、租凭,回收联系人:杨小姐 手机:18676990096 T:0769~86850182 F:0769~86850156.AD:东莞塘厦镇塘龙东路63号美华中心0126,网址:注备:本公司货源广阔,绝大部分直接从国外引进,成色新,价格低,性价比极高,销售及出租数量巨大.
Agilent 8156A The 8156A is a high performance attenuatorforsingle-mode and multimode applications. The attenuation range is60dB with 0.001 dB resolution between 1200 nm and 1650 nm. Due toanovel single filter design, no ranging urs. Thiscompletelyeliminates dark spots or potential attenuation overshootsorundershoots. Attenuation uracy is typically better than +/- 0.05dBwith a polarization sensitivity of less than 0.02 dBpeak-to-peak.60 dB attenuation with 0.001 dB resolution, withoutranging 1200 nmto 1650 nm wavelength range 60 dB return loss <+/- 0.05 dBtypical linearity < +/- 0.005 dB typicalrepeatability < 0.02dBpp typical polarization dependent loss +23dBm maximum input.