产品概述Description ICM51 手持式数显光衰减器是一种通用的智能数显连续可变光衰减器。该仪器采用智能数显连续可变微机芯片,辅以软件作为控制单元,整机体积小、重量轻、功耗低、测量精密、可靠性高,是一款性价比极高的产品。可用于光电器件、光无源器件、光纤、光缆、光纤通信设备的测量,是光纤通信系统工程建設和维护的必备工具。 ICM58 台式光衰减器保持了 HOP51B 的性能,增加了与计算机的通信接口。 ICM51 series handheld variable attenuator features of rugged, easy-to-use and good cushioning. It is suitable for field installation in fiber optic area. In addition, HOP51 attenuator has the inimitable function of display both output and input optical power. It can be used as an attenuator as well as optical power meter to ensure the complete functions with economic cost. ICM58 series benchtop variable attenuator features all functions of HOP51, and features RS232 communication port.